Misc. Landscape Products
- Weed Barrier
- DeWitt Pro 5
- 5 oz. Woven
- Plastic Edging 20' w/ 4 Stake Kit
- Colmet Metal Edging
- Paver Restraint Edge Pro Flex 7.5'
- Pave Restraint Snap Edge 8'
- 10" Spikes
- Straw
- Straw Blanket
- Turf Staples 6"
Use for stabilizing backfill behind retaining walls.
Products: StrataGrid 150, StrataGrid 200
Filter Fabric
Use behind retaining walls and other projects that require separation of rock and soil.
Product: 4 oz. Non-Woven
Use for stabilizing under new driveways, patios, and rip-rap
Product: DeWitt 4 oz. Non Woven, Drain Tile 4" solid, Drain Tile 4" perforate, Drain Tile 4" w/sock, Concrete Parking Block
Patio & Edging Products
- 8"x16" Natural
- 8"x16" Red
- 18"x18" Brickface Natural
- 18"x18" Brickface Red
- 18x"18" Brickface Brown
- 18"x18" Brickface Charcoal
- 18" Square Solid Natural
- 18" Sqare Solid Red
- 18" Hexagon Solid Natural
- 18" Hexagon Solid Red
- 18" Round Solid Natural
- 18" Round Solid Red
- 18" Exp. Aggregate Round
- 18" Exp. Aggregate Hexagon
- 18" Exp. Aggregate Square
- Scalloped Edgers St. Nat
- Scalloped Edgers St. Red
- Scalloped Edgers Curve Natural
- Scalloped Edgers Curve Red
- Handy-Edge TCB
- Handy-Edge Sandstone
- Handy-Edge Limestone
- Handy-Edge Red
- Edgestone Sandstone
- Edgestone Limestone
- Edgestone Red
- Splash Blocks 24"